Liang Ze Wong, PhD

I am a mathematician, machine learning research scientist, computational social scientist, data scientist, and full-stack programmer.

From 2019 - 2024, I was a research scientist at the Institute of High Performance Computing in Singapore, working primarily on using natural language processing (NLP) for social media analytics, stance detection, and topic modelling.

In Fall 2022 and 2023, I also taught the Foundations of Business Analytics core course for Masters of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) students as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the NUS Business School.

I left IHPC at the end of 2024 to spend more time on AI/NLP/LLM research. I am currently open to work and am seeking research scientist positions in interpretability, alignment and theory of language models.

AI/ML papers

Since the start of 2025, I have written the following short papers:

I am writing a series of blog posts about these papers on this site. The first one is here.

Back in 2014, I developed a sparse auto-encoder that could handle missing data:


My undergraduate and graduate studies were funded by the A*STAR National Science Scholarship.

Computational Social Science research

From 2019-2024, I worked at IHPC with an interdisciplinary group of social scientists, psychologists and engineers led by Joe Simons, on applications of NLP and LLMs to social media analytics, stance detection, and topic modeling.

Social science papers


Mathematics research

In 2019, I received my PhD in Mathematics from the University of Washington, Seattle. My advisor was James Zhang.

My mathematical research interests are in category theory, homotopy theory, and non-commutative algebra. Specifically: Grothendieck fibrations, enriched category theory, Hopf algebras and cubical sets.

Math papers and talks

Math workshops and seminars

I had the privilege of participating in the following meetings: